
Top Guide On IT Jobs in Australia in 2023

Top Guide On IT Jobs, are Australian IT jobs appealing to you? You can get the answers to your inquiries about the top IT positions in Australia in our 2023 guide.


You can hunt for IT jobs in Australia and its connected areas if you’re a professional eager to take advantage of the opportunities that our technology future will provide.

We’ll cover everything you need to know in this piece, including the highest-paying and most in-demand IT jobs in Australia, as well as salary, skill requirements, educational requirements, and other pertinent information.

Despite the fact that only 7,000 people graduate with an IT degree each year, Australia needs 60,000 more IT employees each year to keep up with demand, according to Deloitte’s 2021 Digital Pulse.


It is projected that this deficit would persist for at least another five years. The following list includes Australia’s top-demand IT positions.

SEE ALSO; Top 10 Software jobs in Canada in 2023

High-demand IT jobs in Australia

Are you trying to find an IT position in Australia? Whether you have an IT degree, are presently enrolled in an IT program, or are still contemplating which IT course to take, IT abilities are remain in great demand in 2023 and beyond!

You have a wide variety of IT occupations to select from due to the size and rapid change of the IT industry in Australia.


Every IT graduate has a wealth of employment options! Everything will depend on how passionate and curious you are.

Top IT jobs in Australia

Data Analysts

One of the most sought-after IT careers in Australia, Kent claims that the position is a data analyst. Most businesses need the assistance of data analysts for data collection, processing, and reporting.

They are highly respected for their capacity to help firms cut costs and forecast information about rivals and market trends. Due to the industry’s present high demand and constrained supply, entry-level roles can pay highly. The average annual salary in Australia is AUD 93,265 per year, according to Indeed.


Developers or programmers are generally experts in creating cutting-edge products like software systems, programs, websites, etc. There is a big need for developers right now because technology is developing so swiftly across many industries.

Programming languages, for instance, are used by software engineers to design and create software solutions that are tailored to consumers’ demands and are based on market research.

Common requirements for applicants include proficiency in well-known programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and PHP as well as strong communication and problem-solving skills.

React and Angular developers as well as skilled Java and.NET programmers are in high demand. The average yearly wage is AUD 86,691. (Indeed)

UI/UX designers 

UI/UX designers are essential for businesses that need someone to guarantee the delivery of a high-quality user experience because they handle both the practical and artistic parts of projects.

In other words, it is their responsibility to make sure the company’s online presence is appealing and easy to use. UI/UX Designers play a vital role in many IT undertakings due to their ability to work on the appearance and feel of digital assets for firms. The average annual salary, according to Indeed, is AUD 96,679 per year.

Cloud Engineers 

All technical parts of cloud computing, including planning, design, management, maintenance, and support, are handled by “cloud engineers,” a subset of IT professionals.

Due to the increased adoption of cloud computing by larger businesses and companies for the storage and access of data and software, the cloud engineering market in Australia is growing quickly.

Candidates for this position can be recent IT grads with expertise in Amazon, Azure, and Oracle Cloud, in particular. The remuneration for this position, according to Indeed, is AUD 119,406 annually.

Cybersecurity Professionals 

As a cyber security expert, it is your responsibility to defend the company even when software, networks, and data centers are being constructed. Australia’s cyber security industry is growing quickly despite its youth.

You need to be able to design security policies, make suggestions, and commit to putting them into practice with assistance and mitigation if you want to succeed.

So, earning an IT degree with a concentration on cyber security may increase your potential for future employment. Payscale states that the remuneration is AUD $110,000 per year.

ICT Business Analyst 

Develop and implement technology strategies and solutions that will enhance an organization’s business operations and processes are the responsibilities of an ICT business analyst.

This involves analyzing and using corporate data to create software and system solutions and to suggest strategic initiatives and upgrades.

You’ll become a dependable source of knowledge for insights that assist firms in making choices about company networks, systems, and projects.

ICT business analysts in Canada typically make $58,710 a year, or $30.11 an hour. Most seasoned professionals make up to $58,710 annually, while entry-level positions start at that amount. This is the case, says

Multimedia specialists

Designers and developers who specialize in multimedia use a variety of media and cutting-edge technology to produce digital products.

For presentations, websites, games, and films, they create and combine text with computer animation, audio, video, and images. specializes in computer networks and systems and develops, installs, tests, and optimizes network and system services.

Because network systems must be effectively configured and protected from security risks in accordance with an organization’s tactical and long-term goals, this is particularly important in environments with various operating systems.

Their hourly wage is $69.23, or $135,000. The average yearly salary for experienced workers is up to $160,000, while the starting salary for entry-level jobs is $113,410.

Java Programmer 

Java-experienced engineers are still in high demand as firms strive to create software that can run on both desktop and mobile platforms.

Java programmers who are proficient in using the Spring programming framework are in high demand as more and more cloud-native apps are being created with it.

Mobile App Creator 

Mobile-first strategies are being implemented by businesses, and it is expected that this trend will last for some time. Mobile developers that are proficient in iOS or Android are therefore in great demand.

Software Engineer 

Engineers with advanced knowledge of continuous integration, automated testing, containerization, and configuration management are in great demand as a result of the popularity of the DevOps technique.

In Canada, a software engineer can make $94,934 annually, or $48.68 per hour. The average yearly salary for experienced workers is $137,364, while the starting salary for entry-level positions is $76,963. This is the case, says Talent com.

Network administrators

Network administrators with knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS and Azure are in increased demand as businesses become more connected and move infrastructure online.

Network administrators with CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Administrator) or higher credentials are sought after by employers looking to boost the effectiveness of their network operations.

In Canada, a network administrator makes an average salary of $55.22 per hour, or $107,683 annually. Although entry-level positions start at that level, most experienced workers can make up to $107,683 annually. This is what claims.

Highest-paying IT jobs in Australia

Chief information officer (CIO)

According to, the average income for a chief information officer in Canada is $136,435 per year or $69.97 per hour.

Up to $179,775 can be earned annually by the most experienced individuals, with entry-level positions starting at $115,440.

Effective CIOs are more important than ever to drive digital transformations and create corporate value in the complicated and expanding technological world of today.

Project Director 

Organizations now need to have great project management skills due to the increasing requirement for digital transformation.

Project managers have become essential to the successful planning and execution of complex digital transformation initiatives, many of which include numerous stakeholders and sizable budgets. This is true within the discipline of projects and change management.

With an average salary between $200 and $300K, project directors are the best-paid professionals in project and change management.

Cloud Architect

One of the most revolutionary technologies of the past 10 years, the cloud, is only expected to expand in the next years.

The rising salaries of committed Cloud Architects, who now hold one of Australia’s highest-paying IT professions and average an annual income of $121,800, or $62.46 per hour, serve as evidence of this.

The average yearly salary for experienced workers is up to $165,000, while the beginning salary for entry-level jobs is $86,800.

ERP/CRM Architect

Demand for knowledgeable ERP and CRM specialists has never been higher as firms work to become more data-driven.

The most sought-after (and highest-paid) experts in this field are ERP/CRM Architects, who make, on average, $200-$275K in the ACT.

Effective use of relational databases, which can store and analyze vast volumes of data, necessitates a detailed grasp of how data is organized and retrieved.

Cyber security Architect

The necessity for enterprises to defend themselves against a wider variety of cyber attacks grows as digital transformation quickens.

Organizations rely on cyber security architects to take a proactive approach to security by developing and implementing systems and processes that foresee and counter risks, as opposed to reacting in a reactive manner.

Given how demanding the job is, the average income for a cyber security architect in the ACT is $240K. Professionals in Melbourne and Perth make an average yearly salary of $220K and $190K, respectively.

Network Architect 

A strong IT infrastructure is essential for many firms, thus Network Architects who can design, construct, and maintain intricate networks can anticipate high salaries.

The average salary for network architects in the ACT is $200K, while it is $170K in Sydney and $170K in Melbourne.

Software Development Manager

To fulfill these needs, software development teams are working around the clock. The highest paid tech workers in Australia are development managers, with an average salary of $200K in Sydney.

Test/QA Manager

Many firms are learning that their outdated quality assurance (QA) procedures are ineffective as they try to meet the expectations of the digital economy.

They are therefore looking to Test/QA Managers for assistance in creating more adaptable and effective testing schedules.

Because of this, Test/QA Managers receive generous remuneration in exchange for their labor; Canberrans earn the highest average salary of $150K, followed by residents of Sydney and Melbourne, who each make $140K.

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