
10 Email Marketing Tools That Will Save You Time And Money

10 Email Marketing Tools That Will Save You Time And Money – The world of email marketing is constantly evolving. You need to keep up with the latest trends or risk being left in the dust. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 10 different email marketing tools that will help you in your efforts to promote your business. This is especially true if you don’t have much experience with email marketing, as these services will take care of all the heavy lifting for you!


Introduction to Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your customers and promote your products or services. But it can be time-consuming and expensive if you’re not careful.

There are a few key email marketing tools that can save you time and money, and help you get the most out of your email campaigns.

  1. Email list management software: This software can help you manage your email list, segment it into different groups, and automate email marketing tasks like sending out newsletters or targeted campaigns.
  2. Email template builder: A template builder can help you quickly create beautiful, professional-looking emails without having to hire a designer.
  3. Email deliverability tools: These tools help ensure that your emails actually reach your subscribers’ inboxes, instead of getting caught in spam filters.
  4. Analytics tools: Analytics tools let you track how many people open and click through your emails, so you can see what’s working and what isn’t.
  5. A/B testing tools: A/B testing lets you test different versions of your emails to see which ones perform better. This can be helpful for fine-tuning your email marketing strategy.

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10 email marketing tools that will save you time and money

  1. Smartr Inbox

If you’re like most people, your inbox is a never-ending source of stress. You’ve got messages from work, friends, family, and every online service you’ve ever signed up for Smartr Inbox is here to help.


This email app helps you organize your inbox by grouping messages together so you can deal with them all at once. It also learns over time which messages are important to you and which ones you can safely ignore. That means less time sorting through emails and more time doing the things you actually want to do.

Best of all, Smartr Inbox is free to use. So if you’re looking for a way to take control of your inbox and save yourself some time and stress, this is the app for you.

  1. is a free email marketing tool that can help save you time and money. It allows you to manage your email list, unsubscribe from unwanted emails, and keep track of your email campaigns. It also provides real-time reporting so you can see how your campaign is performing.

  1. Autopilot

Email marketing is a powerful tool, but it can be time-consuming and expensive if you’re not careful. Here are some email marketing tools that can save you time and money:

– MailChimp: MailChimp is a popular email marketing service that offers a free plan for up to 2,000 subscribers. It’s easy to use and has a drag-and-drop email builder, plus customizable templates and autoresponders.

– AWeber: AWeber is another popular email marketing service with a free plan for up to 500 subscribers. It offers similar features to MailChimp, plus some additional features like webinars and deliverability insights.

– Constant Contact: Constant Contact also offers a free plan for up to 500 subscribers. It has an easy-to-use interface and lots of great features like customizable templates, contact management, and analytics.

– SendinBlue: SendinBlue is a newer email marketing service that offers a free plan for up to 300 emails per day. It has a simple interface and some great features like automated emails and A/B testing.

  1. Sidekick

A sidekick is someone who helps you with your work. They make sure you have everything you need when you need it. In the email marketing world, a sidekick is an automation tool.

There are a lot of great email marketing tools out there that can save you time and money. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. MailChimp – MailChimp is a great tool for creating and sending newsletters, automated emails, and more. It’s easy to use and has a lot of features to help you save time and money on your email marketing campaigns.
  2. Constant Contact – Constant Contact is another great tool for creating and sending newsletters, automated emails, and more. It offers a lot of features and integrations to help you save time and money on your email marketing campaigns.
  3. AWeber – AWeber is another great option for those looking for an easy-to-use email marketing tool. It offers a wide range of features and integrations to help users save time and money on their email marketing campaigns.
  4. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a tool that allows you to create and send newsletters, email campaigns, and other automated emails. You can use Mailchimp to stay in touch with your customers and subscribers and to keep them updated on your latest news and offers. Mailchimp is easy to use and has a wide range of features, making it a great choice for small businesses and bloggers.

  1. Convertkit

If you’re looking for an email marketing tool that will save you time and money, Convertkit is a great option. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful automation features, Convertkit makes it easy to create and send high-quality email campaigns that get results.

Convertkit’s automation features let you set up triggers so that your emails are sent automatically based on certain conditions. For example, you can set up a trigger to send an email when someone subscribes to your list or purchases a product from your website. This saves you the time and hassle of having to manually send out each email campaign.

What’s more, Convertkit integrates with a number of popular online services, making it easy to add subscribers and customers to your lists. And because it’s cloud-based, you can access your account and manage your campaigns from anywhere with an internet connection.

If you’re looking for an email marketing tool that will save you time and money, Convertkit is a great option.

  1. Driplic

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can save you time and money. However, it can be difficult to know which email marketing tools are right for your business. This is where Driplic comes in.

Driplic is an email marketing tool that makes it easy to create and send newsletters, autoresponders, and other types of email campaigns. With Driplic, you can easily segment your list, track results, and automate your email marketing.

Driplic is the perfect tool for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to save time and money on their email marketing. With Driplic, you can easily create and send high-quality email campaigns that will engage and convert your customers.

  1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a social media management platform that includes powerful email marketing features. With Hootsuite, you can easily create and send newsletters, automated emails, and targeted campaigns. You can also track the performance of your email campaigns and see which contacts are engaging with your messages. Plus, Hootsuite’s drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to design beautiful emails that get results.

  1. Active Campaigns
Active Campaigns

When it comes to email marketing, one of the most important things you can do is keep your campaigns active. This means regularly sending out emails to your list, keeping your content fresh, and making sure that your unsubscribe rate stays low.

There are a few key things you can do to keep your campaigns active:

  1. Keep your list clean: This means removing inactive subscribers from your list on a regular basis. Inactive subscribers are those who haven’t opened or clicked on an email in a long time. Keeping your list clean will help improve your deliverability and ensure that only those who are interested in hearing from you are receiving your messages.
  2. Send engaging content: If you want people to stay subscribed to your emails, you need to send them content that they’re actually interested in reading. This means creating informative and entertaining emails that will keep people engaged with what you have to say.
  3. Test and segment: Testing different subject lines, send times, and email content will help you figure out what works best for your audience. Segmenting your list into different groups can also be helpful in tailoring content to specific interests.
  4. Monitor unsubscribe rates: If you’re seeing a high unsubscribe rate, it’s time to take a look at what you’re doing wrong and make some changes. Unsubscribes can be caused by anything from boring content to too many emails, so it’s important

  1. Ontraport

If you’re looking for an email marketing tool that will save you time and money, look no further than Ontraport. Ontraport is a powerful, all-in-one platform that makes it easy to create beautiful emails, manage your contacts, and automate your email marketing campaigns.

With Ontraport, there’s no need to hire a separate designer or copywriter to create your emails – everything can be done right within the platform. And thanks to its drag-and-drop email builder, creating beautiful emails is a breeze.

Plus, Ontraport makes it easy to segment your contacts and target your campaigns so you can be sure you’re always sending the right message to the right people. And with its robust automation features, you can automate nearly every aspect of your email marketing, from send times to follow-up messages.

In short, if you’re looking for an email marketing tool that will save you time and money, Ontraport is the perfect solution.


Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your customers and promote your business. However, it can be time-consuming and expensive if you’re not using the right tools. In this article, we’ve shared 10 email marketing tools that will save you time and money. From automated email sequences to powerful segmentation features, these tools will help you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns.


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